If the social complexities of human behaviour could be made visible, what would they look like?
Inspired by their research into personality types – that is heavily inspired by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator’s 16 personality types, 8 functional stacks and archetypes, and 4 sides of the mind. Local duo, Paradise Now, consisting of artists Bryan Tan and Jay Ho create a new series consisting of 8 paintings.
In their bid to understand and be understood, they are intrigues by personalities and its influence over an individual and subsequently collective existence. The new series sees them explore how personalities can be interpreted – investigating its application and effects on their creative process from conceptualisation to production.
Approaching the creation of this series as a project, this showcase becomes an essential foundation for discovering and understanding their dynamics as a creative duo.
Be drawn in by their diverse, enigmatic and completely inviting works when you dine in with us at our Dempsey Hill location. To make a reservation click here.
Artists In Their Spaces
with Paradise Now
Launching 17.08.2020
Paradise Now is an Artist Project Duo consisting of local artists Jay Ho (left) and Bryan Tan (right). Their artworks assimilate a diversity of daily influences drawn from perception through observation. With a penchant for amalgamating incompatible elements, Paradise Now grows as a natural synergy of conflicting histories and personal experiences – they seek to explore the notion of space/mental space, memories, emotions, symbolism and metaphors through multidisciplinary approaches. Paradise Now is a repository for their thoughts and memories that would otherwise fade away with the business of daily living.
For more information contact: Nature@SPRMRKT.com.sg