Shin Young Park

052017 / 042017 / 022017

[ 27.09 – 31.10 / 2017 ]

The Artist's Statement

In this fast-paced and digitalized society where everything is constantly changing, I document my ordinary life in Singapore in a slow manual manner. Through vivid graphic images of Singapore in tangling overlaid arrangement, I try to capture Singapore’s distinctive culture and dynamic lifestyle: diverse but not divided, busy yet orderly. 
As I squeeze the white ink through the mesh at the final stage of the printing, the chaotically scattered images fall magically into an orderly circular format. It seems like dynamic characters and energies from various cultures are prospering inside of a perfect arrangement of law, system and discipline of Singapore.

How did you get started on this series? 

In this fast paced and digitalized society where everything is constantly changing, I wanted to document my ordinary life in Singapore in a slow manual manner.

Why have you entitled each of them this way? 

This is from picture diary series. I title the work according to the month and the year I complete the work.

Shin Young Park

052017 / 042017 / 022017

Shin-young Park is a Korean-born New Zealander, who moved to Auckland in 1991 with her family. She completed Bachelor degree in1998 and Master degree in 2003 in Fine Arts at the Elam School of Fine Art at the University of Auckland.After moving to Singapore in 2006, Park continues to showcase her print works through art galleries in Singapore, participate in several group shows, overseas exchange shows, art fairs, workshops, international residency programs and charity auctions.

Park has won the “Iris Fisher Art Award (Best Contemporary)” in 2005 in Auckland, nominated as a “most Outstanding Emerging Artist” in Art Singapore 2009 and won the “BAZAAR Singapore Art Prize 2016 (2D on canvas)”. She has also participated in “Incheon Art Platform” residency program in 2014 and “Asia Pacific Artists Fellowship Program” organized by the National Museum of Contemporary Art in Seoul in 2012.
Her works were commissioned by Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Singapore in 2008 and Fullerton Bay Hotel, Singapore in 2010. She is a member of Singapore Printmaking Society, the artists village Singapore and Instinctive.
