Paynk (Sharon Yang)

Fasciation: A Ruthless Fetish

[ 29.11 – 06.01 / 2018 ]

Fasciation: A Ruthless Fetish examines and questions ideas of beauty. In this series, PAYNK examines beauty through the lens of fasciation, a rare condition of mutation or abnormal growth in plants that leads to distorted flowers, fruits and stems. By mirroring the fasciation of plants with contortions of the human body, PAYNK asks the audience to consider what it is that makes these extremes beautiful or appealing.

“Fasciation embodies a ruthless fetish: our desire to perpetuate and collect what is fundamentally a mutation for the sake of beauty.” – PAYNK

What or who is PAYNK? And why PAYNK?

PAYNK is an artist name which I have been using since I was a teenager. It is an altered spelling of ‘pink’, my favourite colour. Somehow I just like words with 5 letters and beginning with P. I used to write it in glitter glue all over my bags and shoes, and had done many blog templates with this artist name. Now I use it only to sign off works that I’m proud of.

When or where did you first encounter fasciation, and how did this interest in the subject start?

It was when a friend shared a photo of a fasciated daisy on Facebook. I thought it looked so alien and intriguing, I just kept looking for pictures of fasciated plants. There was a point in time when I had a dream of setting up a floral boutique selling only fasciated plants but through research I learnt that it’s a very rare phenomenon that cannot really be reproduced, and through experience I learnt that I am hopeless at growing any plants. So now I turn to drawing them.

Paynk (Sharon Yang)

Fasciation: A Ruthless Fetish

Paynk is an illustrator, born in china and currently living in singapore. graduated from ntu school of art, design and media (adm) with a bfa honors in visual communications, paynk has a strong foundation in traditional drawing, and exposure to the colourful world of design and fashion. her works have been featured on juice, kult, tatler, salt magazine and channel newsasia, as well as exhibited at sg50, kult gallery, vagabond hotel,p.v.s, front row and more.
